EHCSD Board Meetings

The Board of Education traditionally meets on the first Wednesday of each month and third Wednesday if needed at 7:00 p.m. in the Thomas A Edison Community Room. Meeting dates are available here

   The Board of Education is responsible for setting policy and conducting the business of the school district according to the laws of New York State. The daily administration of the schools is delegated by the board to the Superintendent of Schools, who works with building principals and district office personnel in the management of the district.

Public participation at board meetings

 The Board of Education encourages public participation at board meetings. There will be a specific agenda item at each board meeting to provide an opportunity to address the board. Preferably, when an individual or group wishes to present a matter to the Board of Education, a request should be made to the superintendent for an opportunity to be on the agenda.

   Questions or comments concerning school staff members, students or any other individuals will not be acknowledged or discussed at Board of Education meetings. The board cannot act or react without knowledge of all the facts and/or circumstances relevant to such matters. We encourage you to initially contact teachers, building principals or the superintendent concerning such matters. Appropriate action will be initiated.

 As it is important to us that you feel free to express yourself, you should be aware of the following:

  • Discussion involving individual District personnel or students is not permitted.  Such matters should be presented to the appropriate person beginning with the Building Principal or Department Supervisor.

    • If you have come regarding such a matter, please make sure you leave your contact information on the sign in sheet and the Board Clerk will contact you so that you can submit your concerns for the Board’s consideration.

  • Speakers are expected to conduct themselves in a civil manner.  Obscene language, malicious statements, threats and statements of a prejudicial nature are all unacceptable.

  • The President has the right to discontinue any presentation which is contrary to the above conditions or is otherwise seen as inappropriate.

  • The Board will listen to your comments but may not respond at this time.  This may be to afford enough time for all who wish to comment to do so; or to give your remarks due consideration and form the best course of action or response to the issue presented.

  • Upon being recognized by the President, speakers should identify themselves and any organization they may be representing.

  • Comments should be addressed to the President of the Board.

  • Speakers may comment on any non-personnel matter related to District business.

  • At the President’s discretion and in order to allow all who wish to address the Board an opportunity to do so, statements may be limited to four (4) minutes per statement and one statement per person.