WEDNESDAY Sept. 6 is our First Day for Heights students!
We are very excited to have our students return to campus on Wednesday September 6th, 2023. This will be the first day for students. Here are the drop-off times for those getting dropped off at school, and for timing up our students who walk. Bus riders should receive their information in the mail by Wednesday August 30th.
Drop-Off Times:
Cohen Elementary School: 7:30 Drop-Off Begins (Tardy 7:45)
Cohen Middle School: 7:45 Drop-Off Begins (Tardy 8:15)
Thomas A. Edison High School: Drop-Off 7:40-8:00 (Tardy 8:10)
SPEED LIMIT on campus is 10mph! For the safety of our students, staff, and families this will be strictly enforced!
Watch for walkers on crosswalks on our campuses and off! It's State law to stop at crosswalks and yield to pedestrians. This means you are required BY LAW to stop!
Cohen Traffic: We know traffic on the first day will be heavy on the Cohen Campus. Please do not rush, take your time driving on campus. 10mph is the speed limit on campus. Stay aware of those who may be walking on crosswalks. Leave a little time in your schedule for slower than normal traffic getting onto 8th Street, and back out of the Cohen complex. We will not be strict on tardy for the first few days. Student drop-off is in the BLUE Zones.
TAE Drop-Off is located in front of the Main Entrance off of College Avenue. Please avoid dropping students off on College Ave in the parking spots nearest the driveway to help us keep clear lines-of-sight for drivers. The exit after drop-Off is at the South end of the parking lot. We prefer that people turn right out of that exit of our parking lots to keep traffic flowing. Please be aware that we have students drivers and students who may be walking through the parking area on the way off of our campus.
Please DO NOT arrive too early to our schools. We have supervision at the times listed above. Arrival start times indicate when we will allow students into the schools. On the first day of school drop-off please do not have adults get out of the vehicles as it slows traffic and creates safety issues.
Check your student's individual school's webpage for more details!
See you soon!